Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Marvel and DC Bluray disc bundle for sale!!!!!!

Hi everyone!

I am now selling my ORIGINAL Bluray disc bundle which consists of the following:
1. Iron Man
2. The Incredible Hulk
3. Batman: The Dark Knight

Here are the details and pics:

*Price of each bluray disc is @ 900 Php each.
*All movie discs and extra items such as digital copies, disc features are included and in very very good condition.
*All bluray discs are original.
*If you are interested and would like to test if the discs are indeed in good condition, let me know and I will give you my address so we can test it here at my place. Note that the customer should be willing to travel at his/her own expense for testing the discs.
*I am also open to meet-ups for customers that are buying. (Meet-up area can be around Alabang, Paranaque, Makati, Manila)
*All items are second-hand used and has no warranty.

For those interested you may contact me through:
Mobile: 0917  558  7382
Twitter: pauldimaranan (http://twitter.com/#!/pauldimaranan)
Facebook: Paul Vincent Dimaranan (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=721545129)
YahooMail: dimesinthehouse
GoogleMail: pauldimaranan